Monday 22 August 2011

Exucuse me

" Keputusan kau menurunkan? Kenapa tu?"

Ungkapan yang balik-balik aku dengar daripada KAWAN
yang sangat PRIHATIN * walaupun sakit telinga aku mau dengar nie*

Thanks by the way sebab berikan semangat utk belajar :)
Jarang jumpa lah kawan gi nie.Jujur kan?

sebelum EXEL- 6A 2C* hehe 2C lagi tu
Exel                - 7A ( english paper blm kna bagi lagi)

                                                 Lepas raya nie ada lagi TRIAL 2 PMR..huhu.. ''
                                                                   *tak senang org nak raya

P/s : Jangan marah eh kepada yg berkenaan .. bukan ngumpat taw :3 memuji sebaliknya

Thursday 18 August 2011


Balik kampungg.. oh oh ho balik kampung hati riang! 

Raya ni balik kampung?
Jauh/ dekat/ tiada jarak
it doen't matter~

by the way, 
kalau kampung jauh ,
mau minta cuti lebih lagi dari sekolah right?
plus, dapat surat amaran lagi free2

Kalau kampung dekat
sebelah rumah jerr  pun x best
sebab tak rasa perjalanan balik kampung
tapi aku yakin memang jimat sebab x yah nak beli minyak kereta

Yang paling best
kampung di negeri sendiri
yang memerlukan masa yang berjam-jam untuk sampai
boleh pergi sana bila-bila masa
tak payah nak minta cuti lebih

Tuesday 16 August 2011


setelah 3 bulan .. apa yang ditunggu-tunggu
telah tiba!!!!
Gembiranya( utk seketika k!!)

Cuba teka apa?* jgn pikir yg bukan2 weyh!*

Exam exel aku!!haha
aku dapat A ( 8o% jerr)
masa aku bwat exam nie, aku main hentam keromo jerr.. tulisan pun alahai cantik hanya di hadapan * tak cukup masa krana banyak berangan-angan))
yg penting masa menjawab novel tu ( bhgn D) main sedap aku jer- tapi btol!
bhgn c ( karanagn lebih 180 p.perkataan- bwat surat x rasmi) - penuh perasaan hingga masa tinggal berapa minit jerr

Paper 1 - 34/40      - percaya-
Paper 2 - 78 / 100 - tak cayer-

dulu taw brapa??
62% ( gred c)

paper 1 - 29 /40-??
paper 2- 64 / 100- ???

ni aku bwat dengan penuh berhati-hati
tulisan dijaga dari awal hingga akhir

Selamat berpuasa kpd umat Islam && Selamat Hari Raya

Tuesday 26 July 2011

duduk depan duduk belakang

Tadi ada kelas tambahan, kami duduk  depan belakang wehh~
First time duduk belakang tapi sejuk nie

nanti habis PMR,
one of my friend pindah to semenanjung malaysia.. sadddd..
boring nanti aku.. tiada kawan untuk bergelak -ketawa..

he he ho ho


wey! memang tiada rezeki aku pi tu seminar agama islam.. :((
sebenarnya aku kena pilih BUT aku tolak sebab mahu ikut seminar berita harian tuh~
Unfortunately, seminar berita harian tu kena cancel.......
So, the moral of the story is, kalau ada dua pilihan, confirm  yang penting sekali tu dulu dengan anyone lah..
Rezeki kawan saya, biarlah- bukan rezeki aku-

By the way, my old friend ( ---A) will came to seminar BH.. I'm so glad!!! I will meet her!! lama sdh x jumpa 3 tahun :P  yey yey

and lastly,
minggu depan sdh puasa ~ esok last ganti~ hehe

source :

Tuesday 12 July 2011


kesian utk siapa?
WELL hanya saya sorang yg taw~
Hal yg penting? ( boleh lah~)

JUst forget it FYZA F( my name)
sabor jo lak lagi2 aku nie sdg berpuasa~

Jangan lupa ya kepada kaum hawa yg beragama islam, sapa2  yg blom lagi ganti puasa.. cepat lah ganti tinggal bbrapa hari  lagi nak puasa..


Sad :(((

Monday 20 June 2011

Cerita masa kini

Setakat ni, saya belum pernah nampak hantu lah( harap jangan lah nampak).. Saya suka dengar cerita hantu dari orang lain ( nenek, kawan2).. saja mo tahu experience org lain.. boring bahh~

Punya ngantuk tadi di sekolah~ sampai mau tertidur masa cikgu mengajar ( sorry cikgu kalau saya terlelap mata)
Mungkin terjangkit dengan kawan saya ( pompuan taw) di sebelah.. dia tu awal tidur tapi ngantuk juga..haha! kami ketawa tadi sebab dia buat lawak a.k.a gossiping ,, lucunya~ trus hilang rasa ngantuk! Nasib baik cikgu tadi baik ( kami geng ba)  kalau cikgu lain habis la!

and not to forget, tinggal a few months lagi PMR.. lama sdh x buka facebook.. apa lah cerita2 panas or sejuk apa2 jak lah... Lepas PMR habis nanti direct saya activate & chatting! and then saya mau bwat 2nd account for family.. so, the 1st one for friends.. takut tercampur aduk ********

If you could only eat at one fast food restaurant the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

chicken rice shop

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Do you have boyfriend?


Please pay me with ur questions :]

Do you have boyfriend?

what for?
I'm still studying and I love mainecoon MORE not the MOST

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Pernah bercinta?

I think nopeeeeeee
Tapi saya pencinta mainecoon

Please pay me with ur questions :]

If you see a guy with the characteristics that you had dreamt, do you want to friend him?

I'll think twice as I am so young now~

Please pay me with ur questions :]

What type of cats do you like? Persians @ mainecoon @ Siamese @ local cat @ bengal @ american short hair @ american curl @ abysinian choose one!

of course lah MAINECOON
saya kan mainecoon lover ever :))))
Gambar profil pun mainecoon:)

Mainecoon loverrrrr

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I'm speechless*
source :


I got C for my BM.. no one get A for that subject except the F. I.R.S.T & L.A.S.T  class of from 3.

I'm really sad :(((

English second time dapat A since form 2.. I'm happy with that.. I will keep the good job. aisemen kunnun
Insyaallah:) Doakan lah

Sunday 12 June 2011


I  feel happy today. ( only for today)


Monday 6 June 2011

Hari yang membuatkan saya ketawa :D

Bismillahirahmanirrhim :))

Kemarin bah, semangat nie p sekolah.. Mana ada kelas tambahan yang bertarikh 6 Mei 2011.. esoknya barulah..
Ini lah kawan saya nie yg text saya ->  : " Esok ko p sekolah" 
Buang masa & tenaga jak kemarin bersiap sedia.. Konnon :)

Just now I open my sis facebook account.

Malar pasal LOVE cousins saya.. lucu + gila + jiwang
Cubalah privasi sikit. hey budak sekarang nie.. ( masih ketawa )
Nanti break sedih macam org bankrupt
Malar LOVE- LOVE- LOVE ( I mean they got girlfriend) belum lagi kerja
Ayat2 jiwang dikeluarkan satu persatu contoh
" I miss you" ," I love you"," Honey"

Lucu bagi saya :D

Friday 27 May 2011

Happy teacher's day :)

Happy teacher's day to all my 

Tadika teachers &Primary teachers & secondary teachers
My tuition teachers

I <3 you all :)

Sunday 22 May 2011

Mighty Mindddddd!!!

On last Saturday( 21 May) 2 of my schoolmate & I went to Suria Sabah for Mighy Minds. It was so enjoyable!! For first round we got number 9 for the top fifteen. On the first round we managed to answer 13 out of 20.

Then we went for second round after eatung Mc D burger. It was too saltyy.. :P We were making  3 recycle dusbin with wheels .. haha! WE are given 1 hour & 15 minutes only... Unfortunately, we can't win this second round...

So, teacher and us went for a shopping before we went home. I didn't buy any thing there.. save money!!!!

:) Enjoy reading!

Friday 29 April 2011


Nokia 3500
That is my phone. Simple right?
I dont care how simple is it as long I can use it.
I bought it for only RM350

But nowadays, saya  jarang sudah pakai handphone. Dulu jak kebaruan (haha)
Kalau org lain kan mesti ada bawa handphone pi mana2.
Di sekolah, masa sukan sekolah.
Do you know why?
Tiada siapa juga mau dihubung. Semua ada sdh.- INTERNET
Chat jak sama org ( aku jrg jga chating- boring)

Kadang2 saya kena marah sebab x bwa hanphone pi jalan2
Malas saya, sayang jak kredit. Bagus guna telefon awam jak . JIMAT

Thursday 28 April 2011

Talkative girl

Yesterday, it was my first time to go to my new tuition somewhere in Kepayan.

OMG! The girl who sit beside me is VERY TALKATIVE. She din't talk to me but she talk to her friend.
It's tooo noisy. I can't concentrate my studies. ahhhh

If she read this post, I want to tell you girl, don't speak too loud.

There are two of us are girl. The rest are boys.
Where are all the girls??
Is they extinct?

So, yesterday I just keep silence all the time EXECPT the teacher ask me questions

Thats all enjoy!( bad mood)(sleepy)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

Boleh gambarkah?

Boleh ambil gambarkah?
Boleh dukung?
Boleh masuk p kandang?

Soalan yang selalu aku dengar kalau pelanggan ke kedai Pet Shop aku.

Hati aku berbisik:
Hello?! Tangan kamu tu kotor lah~ Kuman mana boleh nampak walaupun kamu menafikannya.
Macam-macam betul bukannya kucing dia pun.
Dukung lagi? uiwtt macam anak VVIP saja nak pegang2 kucing orang
Masuk p kandang bwat apa nak jadi orang gaji kah?

Memang betulah apa aku cakap nie. So, siapa yg mahu tanya soalan-soalan itu simpan saja lah 

Adakah kucing harga seratus dua ratus saja?

Org jenis nie aku nasihatkan, kucing jalanan pun orang yang dekat tamu2 tu pun jual seratus dua ratus. Inikan lagi kucing ***** yang tiap2 bulan bwa vet. Kasi makan Royal Canin( bukan murah harga baja nie)
Mau jual seratus dua ratus? Kalau ada pun, pikirlah sendiri apa kesannya

Ada yg sdh beli kucing tu kan,
bukan jaga baik2.
 walaupun kucing bukan manusia tetapi mereka kan hidup seperti kita. Janganlah seksa dorang kesian apa lah dosa dia. Kalau x mau tu kucing bagus kasi sama orang lain yang betul2 mau. Jgn SEKSA! Bela dgn penuh kasih sayang :D

Fyza the cat lover :)

Barang yang saya guna :)

Assalamualaikum dan salam 1 malaysia.
Duduknya saya di hadapan komputer ini kerana untuk share sedikit sebanyak barang yang saya pakai sekarang. Enjoy:)

Best taw guna sabun ni. Lembut dan wangi lagi.
Kalau guna sabun buku lain, mulalah kering kulit.

Pantene ~ wangi rambut dibuatnya


Systema mmg bagus punya brandlah~~

What was the best job you've ever had?

be a cashier

Please pay me with ur questions :]

If your house was on fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be?

-Bella( my lovely cat)
-my purple notebook

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Newborn baby!

Today, I got new cousin( girl)~
I will bought new shirt for her. Pink of course!

Who's your favorite Disney character?

Mickey mouse

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Monday 11 April 2011

PJ! ( Pendidikan Jasmani)

Haha! Bestnya main tadi pagi.. Kami main Bola Baling( x Ikut Peraturan)
From Google Image
Habis kasut aku kotor.. kena lumpur.. basah bah tu padang.. heiysh! menyusahkan aku!

Masa main tu kan, aku tolak kawan2 aku.bukan dorang nampak! yang x bestnya KENA TOLAK~

Ada kawan aku tu kesian, kena heret ( x lah jauh sangat)..kesian kan.. apa boleh buat~ Ada yg kena tarik tudung~ Ada yg kena himpit~ Nasib aku x kena apa2

I enjoy the game very much! they were awesome!

Friday 8 April 2011


My uncle just arrived here from Johore Bharu.
Now, he and his family are at kampong. They will have a kenduri on weekends.. :((

We can't go there because we have many jobs to do!
They will enjoy there~ with my cousins.. huwaa!!

Monday 4 April 2011


google image
Library di * sekejap ada sekejap teda. Masa rehat dia pula lama gila..
Bikin bad mood saja!
Baik x payah ada library..

Thursday 31 March 2011


On this saturday, I will attend a seminar at UMS.

I will wear pink tudung


a long white-sleeve t-shirt ( not exactly as the picture below)


straight cut jeans

and lastly "cardingan"
Simple right?

Fyzalovemainecoon ~

What is mainecoon?
    cick here!

It is bigger size than usual cat ( local cat) * its size depands on what type of food you give to it*
I had some .. they are big man! but don't worry it will not harm you unless you did wrong to it..
I love them very much!I  Can't live without them <3
Study !!

Tadi, ulangkaji maths- chapter 5. fuh! Pening kepala! but lama2 ok gak lah..
Not bad.

Wednesday 30 March 2011


Just now, Jumrah & I make a presentation entitled " Hari kiamat suatu kepastian" for Pendidikan Agama Islam subject. Everybody looks berminat with our presentation.One of the reason is --> best bah tajuk tu 
And one thing, thanks to Prain for lending her laptop to us . Thx a lot!!

Tuesday 29 March 2011

Hello there

This is my (let me see) oh! Third blog. Ican't live without my blog haha!

I will write more after I had finished my HOMEWORK.. They are more important than this blog..