Monday 20 June 2011

Cerita masa kini

Setakat ni, saya belum pernah nampak hantu lah( harap jangan lah nampak).. Saya suka dengar cerita hantu dari orang lain ( nenek, kawan2).. saja mo tahu experience org lain.. boring bahh~

Punya ngantuk tadi di sekolah~ sampai mau tertidur masa cikgu mengajar ( sorry cikgu kalau saya terlelap mata)
Mungkin terjangkit dengan kawan saya ( pompuan taw) di sebelah.. dia tu awal tidur tapi ngantuk juga..haha! kami ketawa tadi sebab dia buat lawak a.k.a gossiping ,, lucunya~ trus hilang rasa ngantuk! Nasib baik cikgu tadi baik ( kami geng ba)  kalau cikgu lain habis la!

and not to forget, tinggal a few months lagi PMR.. lama sdh x buka facebook.. apa lah cerita2 panas or sejuk apa2 jak lah... Lepas PMR habis nanti direct saya activate & chatting! and then saya mau bwat 2nd account for family.. so, the 1st one for friends.. takut tercampur aduk ********

If you could only eat at one fast food restaurant the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

chicken rice shop

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Do you have boyfriend?


Please pay me with ur questions :]

Do you have boyfriend?

what for?
I'm still studying and I love mainecoon MORE not the MOST

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Pernah bercinta?

I think nopeeeeeee
Tapi saya pencinta mainecoon

Please pay me with ur questions :]

If you see a guy with the characteristics that you had dreamt, do you want to friend him?

I'll think twice as I am so young now~

Please pay me with ur questions :]

What type of cats do you like? Persians @ mainecoon @ Siamese @ local cat @ bengal @ american short hair @ american curl @ abysinian choose one!

of course lah MAINECOON
saya kan mainecoon lover ever :))))
Gambar profil pun mainecoon:)

Mainecoon loverrrrr

Please pay me with ur questions :]

Tuesday 14 June 2011


I'm speechless*
source :


I got C for my BM.. no one get A for that subject except the F. I.R.S.T & L.A.S.T  class of from 3.

I'm really sad :(((

English second time dapat A since form 2.. I'm happy with that.. I will keep the good job. aisemen kunnun
Insyaallah:) Doakan lah

Sunday 12 June 2011


I  feel happy today. ( only for today)


Monday 6 June 2011

Hari yang membuatkan saya ketawa :D

Bismillahirahmanirrhim :))

Kemarin bah, semangat nie p sekolah.. Mana ada kelas tambahan yang bertarikh 6 Mei 2011.. esoknya barulah..
Ini lah kawan saya nie yg text saya ->  : " Esok ko p sekolah" 
Buang masa & tenaga jak kemarin bersiap sedia.. Konnon :)

Just now I open my sis facebook account.

Malar pasal LOVE cousins saya.. lucu + gila + jiwang
Cubalah privasi sikit. hey budak sekarang nie.. ( masih ketawa )
Nanti break sedih macam org bankrupt
Malar LOVE- LOVE- LOVE ( I mean they got girlfriend) belum lagi kerja
Ayat2 jiwang dikeluarkan satu persatu contoh
" I miss you" ," I love you"," Honey"

Lucu bagi saya :D